Glossary. L

The Maritime Glossary. Letter L +++ Popular Articles: 'Length overall', 'Logistic', 'Load'
English: LAC
German: LAC is a shortcut for --->'Livestock Advisory Committee'.

English: Loop-mediated isothermal AMPlification
German: LAMP is a shortcut for --->'Low-level Airspace Management Plan

LAP is a shortcut for --->'Legal Advisory Panel (IALA)'.

English: Lasa
German: LASA is a shortcut for --->'Latin American Shipowners' Association (ALAMAR) Association Latino Americana de Armadores'.
English: LC
German: LC is a shortcut for --->'Convention one the Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972 (London Dumping Convention'.

LC/SG is a shortcut for --->'Scientific Group on the London Dumping Convention'. They are also referenced as SG-LDC.

English: LCG
German: LCG is a shortcut for --->'Longitudinal Centre of Gravity'.
English: Leg (disambiguation)
German: LEG is a shortcut for --->'Legal Committee'.
LEICC is a shortcut for --->'Livestock Export Industry Consultative Committee'.

Deutsch: Gesamtlänge / Español: Longitud total / Português: Comprimento total / Français: Longueur hors-tout / Italiano: Lunghezza totale /

Length overall (LOA) means The maximum length of a vessel's hull measured parallel to the waterline, usually measured on the hull alone, and including overhanging ends that extend beyond the main bow and main stern perpendicular members.