Deutsch: International / Español: Internacional / Português: Internacional / Français: International / Italiano: Internazionale /

International mostly means a company, a project, or an organization which is involved with more than one country.

In American English "international" is everything which is not american. So it is a synonym for "foreign".


In the maritime context, 'International' refers to activities, agreements, regulations, and organizations that involve multiple countries or nations. It encompasses a wide range of issues such as maritime trade, shipping, navigation, law of the sea, environmental protection, and safety at sea. International maritime activities are crucial for global trade and transportation, connecting countries and facilitating the movement of goods and people across borders. Cooperation and coordination among nations are essential to ensure smooth and efficient maritime operations on a global scale.

Application Areas

  • Maritime trade agreements
  • International shipping regulations
  • Navigation and communication standards
  • Marine pollution prevention measures
  • Port state control inspections

Treatment and Risks

  • Treatment: International cooperation and agreements help in resolving disputes, harmonizing standards, and improving safety and security in maritime operations.
  • Risks: Lack of adherence to international maritime regulations can lead to accidents, environmental damage, disputes, and obstacles to smooth international trade.


  • International Maritime Organization (IMO)
  • United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
  • Maritime Labour Convention (MLC)
  • SOLAS - International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
  • Ballast Water Management Convention


International cooperation and agreements play a crucial role in ensuring the safe, efficient, and sustainable operation of maritime activities on a global scale. By setting standards, resolving disputes, and promoting cooperation among nations, international efforts help to enhance the safety, security, and environmental protection in the maritime industry.


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