Glossary. M

The Maritime Glossary. Letter M +++ Popular Articles: 'Marine', 'Maritime', 'Movement'

Deutsch: Wartung / Español: Mantenimiento / Português: Manutenção / Français: Maintenance / Italiano: Manutenzione /

Maintenance in the maritime context refers to the systematic process of ensuring that ships, vessels, and maritime infrastructure remain in optimal condition and operational readiness. It encompasses a wide range of activities aimed at preserving and extending the life of maritime assets, enhancing safety, and complying with regulatory requirements. Maintenance is an essential aspect of maritime operations, contributing to the industry's safety, efficiency, and sustainability.

Deutsch: Marine / Español: Marina / Português: Marinha / Français: Marine / Italiano: Marina /

As an English term, Marine covers as an adjective several aspects relating to the sea or ocean, mostly saltwater. However in the engineering context it refers to any body of water.

Deutsch: Maritim / Español: Marítimo / Português: Marítimo / Français: Maritime / Italiano: Marittimo /

Maritime is is everything (companies, objects, or activities) related to the sea, ship s and/or ports.

MARNZ is a shortcut for --->'Maritime New Zealand (formerly NZ Maritime Safety Authority)'.

MARPOL is a shortcut for --->'International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ship s 1973 as amended by 1978 Protocol'.

English: Mars (disambiguation)
German: English: Mars (disambiguation)
German: - MARS : is a shortcut for --->'Maritime Mobile Access and Retrieval System'.
English: Mas
German: MAS is a shortcut for --->'Marine Assistance Services'.
English: Mast
German: MAST is a shortcut for --->'Marine and Safety Tasmania'.

MATS is a shortcut for "Maritime Air Traffic Services".

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