Glossary. S

The Maritime Glossary. Letter S +++ Popular Articles: 'SVP', 'Ship', 'Shipping'
English: SIDS
German: SIDS is a shortcut for --->'Small Island Developing States'.
SIDSS is a shortcut for --->'Ship Inspection Decision Support System'.
SIGTTO is a shortcut for --->'Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators Ltd'.
SINGREP is a shortcut for --->'Singapore Ship Reporting System'.

English: Sire (disambiguation)
German: SIRE is a shortcut for --->'Ship Inspection Report Programme (OCIMF) (SIRE database)'.

English: SIT
German: SIT is a shortcut for --->'Subject Indicator Type'.
SITRAME is a shortcut for --->'Maritime Traffic Information System Ecuador International Traffic'.
SITREP is a shortcut for --->'Situation Report'.

Deutsch: Fähigkeit / Español: Habilidad / Português: Habilidade / Français: Compétence / Italiano: Abilità /

In the maritime context, skill refers to the expertise, knowledge, and proficiency required to perform various tasks and responsibilities related to maritime operations. It encompasses a wide range of abilities, including navigation, vessel handling, maintenance, safety procedures, and effective decision-making. Skill is fundamental to ensuring the safety, efficiency, and success of maritime activities.

English: SLA
German: SLA is a shortcut for --->'Service Level Agreement'.

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