COW is a shortcut for --->'Crude Oil Washing Manual'.

COW stands for Crude Oil Washing, which is a process used in the maritime industry to clean the cargo tanks of crude oil tankers. The COW system is designed to remove residual oil from the cargo tanks by using high-pressure water jets to wash the tank surfaces.

During a typical COW operation, the tank is first drained of any remaining cargo, and then seawater is introduced into the tank to remove any remaining traces of oil. The seawater is then pumped out of the tank and filtered to remove any oil that has been removed. The filtered seawater is then used to wash the inside of the tank, with high-pressure jets of water being directed at the tank surfaces to remove any remaining traces of oil.

Examples of specific COW procedures that may be followed include:

  • Tanks must be emptied and thoroughly ventilated before the COW process begins
  • Seawater used for the COW process must be tested and approved for use by the ship's crew
  • All COW equipment, including hoses and nozzles, must be inspected and maintained in good condition
  • A detailed COW checklist must be followed to ensure that all necessary steps are taken and that all equipment is properly operated
  • After the COW process is complete, the tanks must be inspected and tested to ensure that they are completely clean and free of oil

COW is an important process in the maritime industry, as it helps to ensure the safety of the ship and crew by reducing the risk of cargo contamination and fire. The COW system is required by international regulations, such as the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), which sets standards for the discharge of oil and other pollutants from ships.

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