Glossary. W

The Maritime Glossary. Letter W +++ Popular Articles: 'Water', 'Waterways', 'Weather'

English: Watch-System

German: Die Wache (Schiffswache) ist eine Einteilung der Besatzung auf verschiedene Wachdienste im Schichtdienst, z.B. ein Wachgänger, Brückenwache, Maschinenwache; z.B. eine Deckswache bewacht das Schiff im Hafen.

Mit Wache wird auch der entsprechende Zeitraum bezeichnet.

Es gibt Wachen für je 4 Std. (und anschließend 8 Std. frei) sowie 6 Std. (und anschließend 6 Std. frei).

WAG is a shortcut for --->'Waste Management Guide'.

Deutsch: Seekrieg / Español: Guerra marítima / Português: Guerra Marítima / Français: Guerre maritime / Italiano: Guerra marittima

Warfare in the maritime context refers to the strategies, tactics, and operations used in conflict on or near the sea. This includes the deployment and engagement of naval forces, the use of naval weapons, and the execution of naval battles.

Deutsch: Abfall / Español: Residuos / Português: Resíduos / Français: Déchets / Italiano: Rifiuti /

Waste (or wastes) are unwanted or unusable materials. Waste is any substance which is discarded after primary use, or is worthless, defective and of no use.

Deutsch: Wache / Español: Guardia / Português: Vigília / Français: Quart / Italiano: Guardia

Watch in the maritime context refers to a system of work shifts on board a ship, where the crew members are divided into teams to ensure continuous operation and supervision of the vessel 24 hours a day. Each period of duty is called a "watch," and those on duty are referred to as the "watch crew."

Deutsch: Wachdienst / Español: Guardia de navegación / Português: Vigilância / Français: Quart de veille / Italiano: Turno di guardia

Watchkeeping in the maritime context refers to the system of organized shifts undertaken by the crew members of a ship to ensure its safe operation and navigation 24 hours a day. This continuous vigilance is critical for monitoring the ship's course, speed, navigational status, and safety, as well as for responding to any potential hazards or emergencies that may arise.

Deutsch: Wasser / Español: Agua / Português: Água / Français: Eau / Italiano: Acqua /

In the maritime context, "water" generally refers to the bodies of water that ships and boats travel on, as well as the water that is necessary for the operation of those vessels.

Deutsch: Wasserfahrzeug / Español: Embarcación / Português: Embarcação / Français: Navire / Italiano: Imbarcazione

Watercraft in the maritime context refers to any type of vehicle capable of moving across (or submerged in) water bodies. This broad category encompasses a variety of vessels, each designed for specific purposes, environments, and capabilities.

Deutsch: Wasserstraße / Español: Vía acuática / Português: Via navegável / Français: Voie navigable / Italiano: Via d'acqua

In the maritime context, a "waterway" refers to any navigable body of water that can be used for transportation or shipping. These include rivers, lakes, canals, and seas that are sufficiently deep, wide, and calm to allow the passage of boats and ships. Waterways are crucial for maritime transport, providing economical and efficient routes for the movement of goods and people across different regions. They play a key role in global commerce and the fishing industry, as well as in recreational boating and tourism.

Deutsch: Wasserwege / Español: Vías navegables / Português: Vias navegáveis / Français: Voies navigables / Italiano: Vie d'acqua /

Waterways in the maritime context refer to natural or artificial routes of navigable water that are used for transportation, trade, and various other activities related to shipping and boating. These waterways can include rivers, canals, lakes, seas, and oceans that are suitable for vessels to travel on. Waterways have been essential throughout history for facilitating trade, transportation, and communication between regions and countries, and they continue to play a vital role in the global economy today.

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