Deutsch: Recht / Español: Derecho / Português: Direito / Français: Droit / Italiano: Diritto /

Right in the maritime context refers to the starboard side of a vessel when facing forward. It is the opposite of the left or port side. Understanding and adhering to the concept of "right" is crucial for safe navigation and communication in the maritime industry.

Application Areas

  1. Navigation: When navigating a vessel, it is essential to know and communicate directions clearly. Referring to the right side of the vessel helps avoid confusion and ensures coordinated movements.

  2. Collision Avoidance: The "right" side is often used when determining which vessel has the right of way in situations where vessels are approaching each other. The vessel on the right is typically given priority.

  3. Docking and Mooring: When approaching a dock or during mooring procedures, specifying the right side of the vessel helps in maneuvering and securing the vessel safely.

Examples of Sentences

  • The captain instructed the crew to steer slightly to the right to avoid the approaching vessel.

  • The starboard side's navigation lights were checked to ensure they were functioning correctly.

  • The vessels maintained a safe distance from each other by keeping to their respective rights.

  • The pilot skillfully righted the ship after a sudden gust of wind caused it to tilt.

Well-Known Examples

  1. International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs): The COLREGs specify rules for vessels to prevent collisions at sea, including guidelines related to the "right" side when two vessels are approaching each other.

  2. Maritime Training Courses: Maritime training programs and courses often emphasize the importance of understanding and using "right" and "left" to ensure safe navigation.


  • Collision Risk: Failing to correctly identify the "right" side of a vessel can lead to miscommunication between vessels and increase the risk of collisions.

  • Navigational Errors: Misinterpreting or neglecting the concept of "right" during navigation can result in vessels deviating from their intended courses, potentially leading to accidents.

  • Legal Consequences: Violating COLREGs and failing to give the right of way to the vessel on the right side can have legal consequences and lead to liability issues.

Similar Terms and Synonyms

In the maritime context, "right" is often synonymous with "starboard." Additionally, "port" is used to refer to the left side of the vessel.


In the maritime context, right designates the starboard side of a vessel when facing forward. It plays a vital role in safe navigation, collision avoidance, and effective communication between vessels. Understanding and correctly applying the concept of "right" is essential for the smooth operation and safety of maritime activities.


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