Deutsch: Fähigkeit / Español: Habilidad / Português: Habilidade / Français: Compétence / Italiano: Abilità /

In the maritime context, skill refers to the expertise, knowledge, and proficiency required to perform various tasks and responsibilities related to maritime operations. It encompasses a wide range of abilities, including navigation, vessel handling, maintenance, safety procedures, and effective decision-making. Skill is fundamental to ensuring the safety, efficiency, and success of maritime activities.


Application Areas

  1. Seamanship: Skill is essential for mariners to navigate vessels safely through diverse waterways, including open seas, rivers, and ports. It involves expertise in ship handling, navigation, and understanding maritime charts.

  2. Engineering and Maintenance: Skilled engineers and technicians are responsible for the maintenance and repair of a vessel's machinery, engines, and equipment, ensuring operational readiness.

  3. Safety and Emergency Response: Maritime personnel must possess the skill to respond effectively to emergencies, including fire-fighting, rescue operations, and handling hazardous materials.

  4. Cargo Handling: Skill is required to efficiently load, unload, and secure cargo on vessels, preventing damage and ensuring proper stowage.

Examples of Sentences

  • The captain's skill in maneuvering the ship through the narrow channel impressed the crew.

  • The engineer's skills were crucial in repairing the vessel's propulsion system.

  • Crew members underwent training to enhance their maritime skills.

  • He is currently skilling up on advanced navigation techniques to qualify for promotion.

Well-Known Examples

  1. Captain Sully Sullenberger: Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger demonstrated exceptional skill when he successfully executed an emergency landing on the Hudson River, saving all passengers and crew on US Airways Flight 1549.

  2. IMO STCW Convention: The International Maritime Organization's (IMO) Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) set global standards for seafarers' skill development and certification.

  3. Maritime Academies: Institutions like the United States Merchant Marine Academy and the United Kingdom's Warsash Maritime Academy provide education and training to develop maritime skills.

  4. Simulator Training Centers: These centers offer realistic, hands-on training for seafarers to enhance their skills in a controlled environment.


  • Safety Risks: Insufficient skill and training can lead to accidents, collisions, or groundings, endangering lives and the environment.

  • Operational Risks: Inadequate skill can result in inefficiencies in cargo handling, navigation errors, and machinery breakdowns, causing delays and financial losses.

  • Legal Risks: Failure to comply with international maritime regulations due to lack of skill may lead to legal consequences, including fines and vessel detentions.

Similar Terms and Synonyms

Within the maritime context, synonyms for skill include "competency," "proficiency," "expertise," and "capability," all emphasizing the ability and knowledge required for effective maritime operations.


Skill in the maritime context encompasses the expertise and knowledge needed for various aspects of maritime operations, including navigation, engineering, safety, and cargo handling. Proficiency and competency are vital to ensuring the safety, efficiency, and success of maritime activities.


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