Glossary. S

The Maritime Glossary. Letter S +++ Popular Articles: 'SVP', 'Ship', 'Skill'
S-VDRs is a shortcut for --->'Simplified Voyage Data Recorders'.
English: SAF
German: SAF is a shortcut for --->'Self Assessment Form'.

Deutsch: Sicherheit / Español: Seguridad / Português: Segurança / Français: Sécurité / Italiano: Sicurezza /

In the maritime context, safety refers to the measures that are taken to protect the lives, health, and property of people and vessels involved in maritime activities. This includes ensuring the safe operation of ships, protecting the environment from harm caused by shipping activities, and preventing accidents and incidents at sea.

English: Sal
German: SAL is a shortcut for --->'Shipping Australia Limited (combination of Australian Chamber of Shipping and Liner Shipping Service)'.
SALVAGE is a shortcut for --->'International Convention on Salvage, 1989SAMCC Saudi Arabia Mission Control Centre'.
SAMSA is a shortcut for --->'South African Maritime Safety Authority'.
English: SAN
German: SAN is a shortcut for --->'Storage Area Network'.

Das Sonderbeitrittsprogramm für die Landwirtschaft und die ländliche Entwicklung (SAPARD) ist (zusammen mit PHARE und ISPA) eines der drei Finanzinstrumente zur Unterstützung der Beitrittskandidaten bei der Vorbereitung auf den Beitritt.

English: SAR
German: English: SAR
German: SAR is a shortcut for --->'Search and Rescue'.
SAR Convention is a shortcut for --->'International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, Convention, 1979'.

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