Glossary. V

The Maritime Glossary. Letter V +++ Popular Articles: 'Vessel', 'Voyage', 'Ventilation'
VDRs is a shortcut for --->'Voyage Data Recorders (S-VDRs)'.

Deutsch: Belüftung / Español: Ventilación / Português: Ventilação / Français: Ventilation / Italiano: Ventilazione

Ventilation in the maritime context refers to the process of providing fresh air and removing stale or contaminated air from various spaces within a ship, such as accommodation areas, engine rooms, cargo holds, and other enclosed spaces. Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining air quality, ensuring the safety and comfort of the crew, preventing the accumulation of harmful gases, and controlling temperature and humidity levels onboard. Ventilation systems on ships must comply with international regulations, including those outlined by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

VER is a shortcut for --->'Voluntary Early Retirement'.

Deutsch: Vielseitigkeit / Español: Versatilidad / Português: Versatilidade / Français: Polyvalence / Italiano: Versatilità

Versatility in the maritime context refers to the ability of ships, equipment, and personnel to adapt to a wide range of tasks, roles, and environments. It highlights the flexibility of maritime operations to handle diverse cargo types, varying weather conditions, multiple functions (such as transport, defense, or exploration), and different geographic regions. Versatility in maritime operations allows for more efficient, cost-effective, and adaptive solutions in the face of changing market demands, operational challenges, and environmental conditions.

Deutsch: Schiff / Español: Buque / Português: Navio / Français: Navire / Italiano: Nave /

In the maritime context, a vessel refers to any type of watercraft that is used for transportation or other purposes. This includes ships of all sizes, from small boats and ferries to large cargo ships and cruise ships.

VFR is a shortcut for --->'Visual Flight Rules'.

VGE is a shortcut for --->'Voluntary Group of Experts'.

VHF is a shortcut for --->'Very High Frequency'. In the maritime context, VHF refers to "Very High Frequency" radio communication. It is one of the most commonly used communication systems in the maritime industry for ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communications.

Deutsch: Video / Español: Vídeo / Português: Vídeo / Français: Vidéo / Italian: Video

Video in the maritime context refers to the use of video technology for various applications on ships, boats, and other marine environments. This includes the use of cameras and recording devices for navigation, safety, security, monitoring, and communication purposes. The integration of video systems enhances operational efficiency and safety in maritime operations.

VMC is a shortcut for --->'Visual Meteorological Conditions'.